Sunday, August 26, 2012

Just another weekend

I feel like so much got done this weekend and at the same time feel like there was something else I needed to get done.
Our little dog Jack was due for his rabies shot. I did not want to drive all the way down to his vet so I decided to check out the vet that is walking distance from our house. They are open 7 days a week and have a vaccination clinic every weekend. Turns out I really like the place and Jack did too so we are switching vet offices. Jack is getting up there in age so he was not able to walk the entire way - well he could have but I walk fast and his little legs could not keep up. SO he hitched a ride:

Kaitlyn got her first pair of ugly crocks, but these ones are semi cute with mickey mouse on them AND they are pink! Now if only I could get her to keep them on outside.
After two years of hand washing the tray to Kaitlyn's high chair I finally figured out how to fit it in the dishwasher. Since I figured this out on Friday night it has been washed in there about 4 times. LOL  Amazing!!!! Wish I would have figured this out two years ago.
Kaitlyn and I were both sick this weekend so we hung around the house. I organized my school stuff, tossed old paperwork out and filed things that I need to keep while Kaitlyn learned to play the piano and snuggled her dogs.

I also got to tie up a few loose ends for her birthday party next month. Guest list is almost finalized and the invites are done. Now if only I could figure out what to do about this Helium shortage. I have at least 60 balloons that I wanted to get inflated. I will be happy if only the Mylar ones get done. I can string up the others I guess - even though I paid top dollar for helium quality. BOO!

After a month of trying to get a cute picture of Kaitlyn for her birthday invite I had to settle for this half smiling picture. Oh well... It is still cute. Got them made here.
Did I mention I cleaned of the planter window thing in the kitchen? I guess I need to get sick more often so I can keep organized. Now if only my check book would balance itself.

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