Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Time flies

Where has the time gone? The past couple weeks have been crazy for me. Between the work inventory issue; then preparing final projects for school... Wow! I feel like I can finally catch my breath for a min.
Things I need to do:
Register for my fall classes that start on Aug 27 - financial aid already awarded and excepted!
Use my spa gift card
Get my teeth fixed
print my resume on pretty paper and pass it out to the schools I am interested in
balance my check book
plant flowers in the front yard
get the final details in place for Kaitlyn's second birthday party
Things I want to do:
quit my job
visit my mom - but now I cannot - tickets are way too expensive and the timing just sucks with work right now.
Trash the paci ceremony - no I have not done it yet, yes I could just throw them away but I want pictures to document it happening for our family year book.
Get started on ideas for the family year book and organize what I have already.
Make these to give out at Christmas:
Tiny Polaroid Magnets
Make these to put the magnets in:

All of the above = I have exactly 3 weekends to accomplish it in. Ya - not going to happen.

Kaitlyn went with David to the boat races in LB this weekend. From what I hear she enjoyed it. I was at school...

This semester should be a little easier compared to summer session. I will only have two actual classes, one of which is online so I will only need to go to class one night a week. I also opted to take the Saturday class during summer instead of this semester. Now I am happy I did. At the time I thought what the heck was I thinking!

Ok back to work!

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