
First time rolling over
I had been trying to get her to roll over from back to tummy for weeks now. Wouldn't you know it she does it for Dad while I am at work today. Thank goodness he got the video camera out and filmed her second successful attempt. She just figured it out this after noon and when I got home from work she showed me over and over again how she does it. So cute! Now we need to work on rolling from tummy to back.

Crawling and sitting
We were at the river visiting our friends Jimmy and Fab when I sat Kaitlyn on the floor and she started regular crawling. Up till then she was army crawling every where. Then to my surprise she went from crawling to sitting up all by herself. What a great day. This was also Kaitlyn's first time on the boat. She did great, and fell asleep half way through our trip. Dad and I forgot to bring camera's to document this but I will never forget it!

First tooth
Kaitlyn's very first tooth started poking thru her gums today. It is the front bottom left one. She did not fuss much at all. It was kind of a surprise to feel it. I hope the rest of her teeth pop in this easily.

8/24/11 - two days after my birthday
On Kaitlyn's 11 month birthday she took off walking. The night before she was doing short unassisted trips from couch to couch maybe 6 steps but as of 11 months she walks where ever she pleases and she is very proud of her self too. What a great birthday present to me!

12/25/2011 (15 months)
I give Kaitlyn her milk in a sippy cup with breakfast and keep it out for about two hours to give her a chance to drink some more. Well yesterday after the two hours had gone by I started looking for her sippy cup in the usual places. I checked the stool in the kitchen, the corner in the dining room she likes to hang out in, by her chair in the living room, and the counter of the play kitchen. I looked high and low with Kaitlyn following me around the house saying humm along with me. After fifteen minuets of searching with no luck I turned around and asked her "where is your milk? Donde esta tu leche?" Her eyes opened up wide and she pointed her finger as she ran from the kitchen to her bed room. I was following but she was sprinting to the room so I could not keep up. I also thought she had no clue what I was talking about anyways. Next thing I know she comes running out of the bedroom with sippy of milk in hand. She is so smart!